Helping learners with ASD unlock their full potential.


OIC Education uses the PEAK Relational Training System to help learners with ASD improve their language and cognition.

PEAK is the most evidence-based curriculum within the field of ABA that utilizes the nearly 50 years of research in stimulus equivalence and relational frame theory (RFT) to alleviate the impact of autism on your child.

The PEAK Learning Modules

PEAK Direct Training and Generalization teach what to learn, such as concepts of time, action , numbers, colors and letters. PEAK Equivalence and Transformation teach how to learn, helping learners build abstract reasoning abilities, so they become independent learners and problem solvers.


The PEAK Comprehensive Assessment

The PEAK Comprehensive Assessment (PCA) contains 344 test items and indicate a starting point for teaching in each of the 4 PEAK modules. The whole assessment can be completed on an average of 2 hours.


One-on-One Intensive Teaching

Using the PEAK Relational Training System, OIC Education offers one-on-one teaching sessions to families in Vancouver, Richmond and Burnaby.


“We need to plant the language seeds, fertilize them with relational depth, and watch them grow into strong and flexible language repertoires.”

— Dr. Mark Dixon, the author of PEAK, BCBA-D

author or over 200 peer-reviewed publications

professor at Southern Illinois University



Please feel free to contact us with any questions.


+1 236-866-0785